Ingredientes: 1 y 1/2 tazas de Arroz, 1/2 taza de fideos cabellos de ángel, 1/2
taza de pasas rubias , 02 cucharadas de Mantequilla, 01 cucharadita de Curry,
Pimienta, Ajo en polvo, Sal.
Preparacion: En una olla dorar el arroz con la mantequilla y unos toques de ajo
en polvo, Agregar los fideos cabellos de ángel y las pasas hasta lograr un tono
rubio, Incorporar el curry y luego el Agua hirviendo correspondiente para
granear el arroz (3 tazas de agua), revolver, Una vez hirviendo, tapar la olla
y cocinar a fuego lento por 20 minutos, Se sirve para todo tipo de compromisos
en especial, o si desea una guarnicion en moldeada con una ramita de Perejil
encima de cada molde.
Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups of rice, 1/2 cup angel hair noodles, 1/2 cup raisins 02
tablespoons butter 01 tsp Curry, Pepper, Garlic Powder, Salt
Preparation: In a saucepan brown the rice with butter and a touch of garlic powder,
Add angel hair noodles and raisins until a blonde shade, then Add the curry and
the corresponding boiling water to graph rice (3 cups water), stir, boiling a
time, cover the pot and simmer for 20 minutes, is useful for all kinds of
commitments in particular or you want a molded edging with a sprig of parsley
on top of each mold.
Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups cooked, 1/2 cup angel hair pasta, 1/2 cup golden raisins 02
tablespoons butter 01 teaspoon curry, pepper, garlic powder, salt.
Preparation: In a pot brown rice with butter and a touch of garlic powder, Add the
angel hair pasta and raisins until a blond color, then Add the curry and the
corresponding boiling water to plot rice (3 cups water), stir a boiling time,
cover the pot and simmer for 20 minutes, it is useful for all kinds of
commitments especially if you want a garrison or molded with a sprig of parsley
on top of each mold.
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